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Tobramycin and Alpha-dornase Treatment for Cystic Fibrosis (cf) in Uruguay

Introduction: CF is an inherited disease in which exocrine glands produce abnormally viscous mucus, causing chronic respiratory and digestive dysfunctions. Recurrent infections by Ps. aeruginosa and others are associated with a faster deterioration in lung function and increase morbidity and mortality. Inhaled Tobramycin and mucolytic therapy with Alpha-Dornase have improved lung function and decreased hospitalization days. In Uruguay, access to these drugs was restricted because it wasn’t covered until December 2007. A system of universal coverage, under a policy framework based in the best evidence and supported by a strong monitoring program was implemented. The criteria for treatment with Tobramycin and Alpha-Dornase are shown in table 1. A systematic process of evaluation was established since the beginning of the coverage.


Lic. Marcela Baldizzoni, Dr. Fernando Correa, Dr. Henry Albornoz, Dra. Rosana Gambogi, Dra. Catalina Pinchack. Lic. Marcela Baldizzoni, Dr. Fernando Correa, Dr. Henry Albornoz, Dra. Rosana Gambogi, Dra. Catalina Pinchack.

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P. CIENTÍFICAS - Póster y Presentaciones