Arthroplasty for hip fracture in Uruguay. Earlier surgery and better general care rather than new devices
14.1% of Uruguay population is older than 65 years. Hip fracture risk increase with age and consequences may be devastating. Arthroplasty for hip fracture is funded by the National Resources Fund (NRF) for all citizens. Registry was developed and performance indicators evaluated. Delay between fracture and surgery exists and affects functional results and mortality. Surgery is provided with a cemented prosthesis produced by regional manufacturer at a low cost. Progressive pressure emerges for incorporation of new and high cost prosthesis.
Dr. Henry Albornoz, MSc. Gustavo Saona, Dr. Abayubá Perna, Dra. Rosana Gambogi, Lic. Isabel Wald, Lic. Graciela Leiva, Lic. Marcela Baldizzoni, Dr. Alarico Rodriguez. Dr. Henry Albornoz, MSc. Gustavo Saona, Dr. Abayubá Perna, Dra. Rosana Gambogi, Lic. Isabel Wald, Lic. Graciela Leiva, Lic. Marcela Baldizzoni, Dr. Alarico Rodriguez.
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P. CIENTÍFICAS - Póster y Presentaciones